… Demons to Diamonds city scene to do list …

There are some objects left to create in order to complete the first sequence of the “Demons to Diamonds” music video.

It has been super awesome collaborating with Brad on the video and getting scans from him. It’s like Christmas … but funnier. Figuring out how to animate his drawings and bring them to life has been a pretty great learning experience as well.

Here is a list of objects that might end up in the “city scene” of the “Demons to Diamonds” video.

two more buildings
a mail box
a couch for the rest home
a lamp for the rest home
a table for the rest home
some paintings for the rest home
a fat cat for the rest home???
the inside and outside of the front of the rest home
the inside and outside of the back of the rest home

I think these objects should almost complete the first 1/3 of the video.