… continuing the guitar challenge …

I spent the day testing out the Axetrak on one of my more troublesome (guitarwise) songs – “Kaboom!”. I could never sort out the tone. Nothing I have tried has worked – so I’m thinking the part is just a little to dissonant. Not pleasant.

I even went up to Trade Up Music and got a Boss EQ-20 to try and shape the tone a little more. It didn’t do the trick. I’m thinking that I’ll have look into getting another tube head – maybe a low watt Blackheart. There is just something that is too raspy in the Peavey Classic series. It’s good for some stuff, but not all. I could easily lose one of the Peaveys and get something way different.

I moved on to “Atlantis” and got some more usable tones. I EQed the guitars in the mix. Added some upper mids. It seems that both my amps are just a bit dark and yet that preamp rasp persists.

Not the most productive day, but I’m making progress with the guitar sound.

Here is the intro of the song (less the vocals). Once again, the guitars are very dry and sit WAY up front in the mix to illustrate the tone issues I’m having.
