… Night Driver feedback …

I recorded some of the feedback tracks for the song “Night Driver” tonight … maybe half of them. I’m building up a chord a note at a time using my little five watt tube amp and a modified distortion pedal (Vintage Tube Monster w/ Bitmo Mod). Running this setup into my isolation cabinet creates a little bit of a problem … it’s hard to create feedback when the signal you’re using doesn’t bleed back into the system. I didn’t want to open the iso-cab and blow the walls off (okay, I’m a little sensitive to noise).

Needless to say, I stood over the iso-cab and pressed the body of the guitar into the frame of the cab so that it would pick up some of the vibration. It worked out fine. It was kind of tough to find all the notes I needed in feedback form. That is probably why I wanted to create a sample based GUITAR FEEDBACK VST a while back.

I just need to build up a little more of the chord so that it resolves itself and I’ll be able to call this one done and scratch it off my list.

I also wrote some of the final lyrics for the song “Demons to Diamonds” today. That was a pleasant surprise!