… sCaRy mOmEnTs …

... not cool ...

As we creep closer to a cultural celebration of all things menacing and evil, I can’t help but to look back at the foundations of my own fears. I’m not talking about George Dubya II fears here. I’m talkin’ full on real deal fears.

Disturbing childhood moment #1:

I clearly remember watching the original “Star Trek” series after school as a child. I was probably six or seven. One of the episodes involved a misbehaving teenager that had highly developed psychic abilities. He didn’t like it when people laughed at him, so he decided to take away the mouths (and apparently the entire faces) of the offending party.

The above image is from that particular episode. I remember the scene all too well. In my mind it seemed to be a very important scene that lasted for an extended period of time. Upon reviewing it today, I think think that faceless woman in the miniskirt is on screen for about 2.2 seconds. A muffled groaning sound can be heard eminating from beneath the skin.

I guess that was enough to leave a lasting impression on me.