… timelapse focus wobble script 1.0 …

I wrote a timelapse random focus wobble script today with some help from someone over on the CHDK forum. I was able to create a pseudo-random number sequence using a linear feedback shift register.

You can see a patern develope in the randomness in the way the shots pulse. The script needs more work.

This effect will be used in portions of the video for the song “Combat”.

My code looks like this so far:

@title Macro Focus Wobble
@param b # of pics
@param f divisor

get_focus a

c = 1

for g=0 to b
gosub “lfsr8”
if z<0 then let z=c set_focus z print "focus= ", z,"mm" print "pic # ",g shoot next g end :lfsr8 if (c & 1) = 1 then c = (c/2) ^ 142 else c = c / 2 endif return

The divisor sets how much the random sequence effects the random change in focus.


Double click to play:

[qt:/blog/movies/wobble.mov blog/movies/wobble_poster.mov 480 270]

I also got a special package in the mail today that I’m really excited about!!!

1 Comment on “… timelapse focus wobble script 1.0 …

  1. Armando .. I am soooo excited about what could be in your package… !

    by the way … WordPress has asked me to inform the Site Administrator .. they offer a new version.

    I love all the randomness here.